Review: In the world of underground horror you can truly find some real horror films that don't pussy out and The Gateway Meat is one of them. This movie is packed with brutal killings and extreme gore but at the same time it shows you the dark side of this world that could very well be right around the corner. The overall story of this movie in ways is pretty basic, it's basically about a family of satanic serial killers along with their mentally handicapped friend and their sadistic friend Roland try to open a portal to hell. The characters for the most part are acted quite well and are quite believable, a little of the acting is quite amateur but it doesn't kill the story one bit. Mt favorite character was Roland because he was just a nasty and filthy son of a bitch that sadistically killed without resent. I would of loved to see Roland and Markus play tick tack toe with razor blades on someones stomach! On that note lets get into the gore. The gore in this film is some of the most realistic and brutal that I have ever seen and Ron DeCaro truly didn't hold back when it came to the killings. The 2 scenes that stick out most to me is the "columbian necktie" scene and the one where Markus and his wife finish up killing these Jehovah's witnesses and fuck above their corpses. Overall this is what I think true underground horror should be like and not be afraid to break barriers and show the true horrors of life and the world around us. I highly recommend this film to fans of August Underground and Fetus! This dvd also comes with a "making of" that is 35 minutes long along with serveral other features and a great commentary with the director and cast & crew!
-Daniel Damnation
Directed By:Ron DeCaro Released By: For The Better of Mankind Pictures Year:2008 Genre: Gore/Horror Website: www.ftbomp.com Time Length: 69 mins.
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