Synopsis: Drug dealing mobster Vinny (Vinnie Stigma), who owns a neighborhood whorehouse, wants to take care of his father, Lorenzo (Marvin W. Schwartz) a convicted murderer just released from prison. But things just don't work out. The sins of the father and violence of the son overwhelm good intentions and lead to a blood soaked finale.
Review: This is the second short film from Nick Oddo and I can honestly say that it shows he has some talent. This movie for the most part stays at a pretty good pace and has good direction. The only bad things about this film, the editing at different times of the film is too choppy and the gore/killing scenes are not the greatest. The redeeming qualities of this film are the story which is very well written and actually keeps you wanting to watch the film and the acting from Vinnie Stigma is pretty damn good. I honestly wasn't expecting such a good performance from Vinnie because let's be honest, most musicians can't act. Overall this movie was great and I hope to see more films from Nick Oddo.
Special Features: Interactive Menues, Scene Selection, Trailers on M.R. Movies, Gorehound Info, Full Screen Presentation, Bonus Feature: "I Hate You"
DVD Released By: Midnight Releasing/Brain Damage Films (www.braindamagefilms.com)
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