The film, shot under the same title as
its source material, was retitled to THE EXORIST III when the studio,
Morgan Creek Productions, found that what had been completed was not
as close to the original film as they’d have liked and forked up an
additional four million for Blatty to direct a tacked on
effects-heavy exorcism climax. Critical reception was not initially
so kind, though over time, the film has become something of a cult
item; so much so that in 2016, Scream Factory released a 2-disc
Collector’s Edition set (on both DVD and Blu-Ray) complete with a
reassembled “Director’s Cut”. But is this the final word on
this controversial third installment in one of the genre’s most
reputable franchises or does the story remain to be continued? Let’s
jump into the autopsy and find out.
Set once again in Georgetown, the story
opens on the anniversary of the death of Father Karras (Jason
Miller), the ill-fated priest who previously took his own life in
order to save Regan MacNeil’s in THE EXORCIST. After a young boy is
found gruesomely crucified (as well as decapitated) by the river,
police lieutenant William Kinderman (George C. Scott) pays his friend
Father Dyer (Ed Flanders) a visit – they’ve both made it their
duty every year, on this day, to cheer up one another as they mourn
for their mutual acquaintance. The strange, morbid events of the day
give it a particularly sour flavor, and they hardly stop there. A
priest is soon found decapitated as well, and Father Dyer is soon
next on the list.
This is all thought to be the handiwork
of a serial murderer dubbed “The Gemini Killer”, who cuts off the
right index finger of all his victims and then carves the Zodiac sign
of his namesake into the palms of their hands. Seeing as the man
thought to be the killer was found and executed years prior, this is
particularly odd. A patient in one of the local psychiatric wards, a
Mr. James Venamun (Brad Dourif) claims to be the Gemini Killer in the
flesh, though his connections to relevant parties may extend beyond
the aforementioned maniac. Kinderman takes it upon himself to tempt
the spirit world, which leads to a seemingly never-ending but mostly
compelling sequence of possessions, false alarms, and of course more
THE EXORCIST III obviously has a lot on
its plate, but Blatty handles the majority of it majestically.
Georgetown is once again rendered as a land of macabre, surrealistic
opportunity, as the director is clearly far more interested in spurts
of absolute phantasmagoria amidst a consistent air of subtle dread
than materializing his fears. The performances are top notch across
the board, with Scott finding a balance between chaos and order and
Dourif being simply magnificent, the latter accepting the hefty
weight of a truly multi-dimensional and complicated performance like
a pro. Every scene between the two performers is nothing short of
spellbinding – it isn’t much of a stretch to think that an entire
feature of these lengthy conversations would be equally as
entertaining as what we ultimately got here.
The film is genuinely creepy, with more
than a couple memorable set pieces (the hallway sequence with the
nurse and the security guards being a real stand-out) to its name,
and it’s smart when it wants to be to boot. It’s a slow burn, but
it’s worth the time as well as the intellectual effort that it
takes to get to the point at which momentum begins to rise.
Unfortunately, this is when the studio-enforced material begins to
rear its ugly head, and it’s almost critically debilitating. It
threatens to derail the honest grace of what came before, but is
thankfully redeemed by what very well might be one of the most
chilling and resonant final lines in any genre film.
The material excised from Blatty’s
own cut of the film was long thought to be lost, but in 2016, Scream
Factory announced they were working with the writer/director to bring
his original vision – or as close as they could get to it – to
the general public with this fan-pleasing release. For the film’s
many admirers, this will be the main draw of the set; but let it be
known, what’s been recovered here was sourced from VHS-quality
dailies. I personally prefer the theatrical version, as the new
material is interesting but might have been of better service as a
stand-alone featurette. Of course, you don’t get the most
problematic aspects of the film’s final act here, but the quality
is so inconsistent that it throws off the mood of the piece, and not
in the way that Blatty might have intended. It is nevertheless a
welcome addition to the package.
Aside from the Director’s Cut, this
release sports a handsome new 2K scan of the Theatrical version of
the film and a wealth of featurettes both old and new. Everything
from the former category can be found on disc one whereas the new
interviews, along with the newly assembled cut, are on disc two. A
vintage featurette, collection of interviews (running over half an
hour), deleted scenes, and the usual TV Spots and Photo Gallery just
about round it out; and then on disc two, we get a feature commentary
by Blatty himself as well as a genuinely insightful documentary in
five parts (which runs over an hour and a half, accumulatively).
Clearly there is a lot to dig into here, and thus fans of the film
should be very pleased.
THE EXORIST III looks and sounds better
than ever before for Scream Factory’s snazzy release, giving
enthusiasts enough bang for their buck and then some with a treasure
trove of bonus content that might heighten even the most fervent
detractor’s opinion of the film. It remains a soiled masterpiece if
there ever was one, at least in its theatrical form; an excellent
piece of smart, genre-bending cinema that a money-minded studio
unfortunately chose to tamper with. If it’s true that we may never
see Blatty’s actual, complete Director’s Cut – and that’s
looking more and more likely as the years go by – then this will
have to do; and by no means is this reviewer complaining. This is an
important release, packed with thoroughly entertaining insights, and
it could very well be one of the year’s finest.
-Ryan Marshall
Director: William Peter Blatty
Lead Actor/Actress:
Genre: Horror
Blu-ray Release Year: 2016
Theatrical Release Year: 1990
Time Length: 110 mins./105 mins. (Director's Cut)
Rating: R/NR
Region Code: Region A
Release Company: Scream Factory
Website: www.shoutfactory.com
Lead Actor/Actress:
Genre: Horror
Blu-ray Release Year: 2016
Theatrical Release Year: 1990
Time Length: 110 mins./105 mins. (Director's Cut)
Rating: R/NR
Region Code: Region A
Release Company: Scream Factory
Website: www.shoutfactory.com