Review: Magi clocks in at just under 50 minutes with three tracks. These tracks are made up of slow, feedback infested drone. When the vocals finally kick in a little after the ten minute mark the sound gets an eerie atmosphere that really gives it the extra push. The guitar drones away repeating riffs so long that they are branded on the surface of your brain. The distortion free section that comes in towards the end of "Way of the Son" gives the song the perfect atmosphere in it's closing moments, even though the track make be a little draining to get through the climax that slowly builds makes it worth a listen. The first track is easily the highlight of the album and is a very good introduction to the music re123+ plays. The band clearly has a grasp on their writing skills and obviously making tracks of this length is a difficult feat, but they manage to arrange it in a cohesive manner that makes it an enjoyable listen. Overall some listeners may have a problem digesting the noisy drone sound that re123+ delivers, but fans of this style of music should be very pleased with the outcome.
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