Review: In this 4 disc set what you get is advice and viewpoints on how to become a director as well as advice in what you should be prepared for when getting into this line of work. I really found alot of the information that is given from the director's to be quite insightful and informative, one thing I really liked is that not all the director's had the same advice which was good because you can get a broad range of advice that you can sort out and see what works best for you. I really liked the lineup of people who they got to appear on this set, some of the director's are Eli Roth, Stuart Gordon, Mick Garris, William Lustig, Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor, and Penelope Spheeris just to name a few. I really think the advice will help people truly decide if they want to be a director. Along the side of the Direct Your Own Damn Movie feature in the set there is a ton more of features that show the stuff that Lloyd Kaufman goes through on the set of various independent feature films shoots and that's just on the first 2 discs. On the 3rd disc you get a behind the scenes look at the making of Tales From The Crapper as well as interviews with Dario Argento, Trey Parker, Matt Stone and George A. Romero. Also you advice on how to raise funds, distribute your film, and how to dumpster dive for props! Now when it comes to the 4th disc in this set it is an exact copy of the 2nd disc from the Poultrygeist Egg-clusive 3-Disc Collector's Edition so if you have that DVD set then the 4th disc will be nothing new for you. Overall this is a fantastic 4 disc set that I would highly recommend to anyone who wants to get into the film business or to anyone who wants to see what it takes to make a film. I give this set a very strong 5 out of 5!!!!
-Daniel Damnation
Audio: Varies so I can't rate it fairly.
Video: Varies so I can't rate it fairly.
Special Features: Way too many to list!
Directed By:Lucio Lloyd Kaufman, Released By: Troma Films, Year:2009(DVD), Genre:Documentary/Educational, Website: troma.com Time Length: 300 mins.
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